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State voting rules for Texas

Texas voters abroad need to request a ballot each calendar year they want to vote in.
Click here to start your ballot request now. 

Check below for your delivery methods and deadlines, and to find your local election office contact information.

How to Send
Registration: Email or Fax or Mail
(We recommend against sending in your voter registration or ballot request form by fax as you must also mail in the original form AND it must be received within 4 business days after the fax was sent)
Ballot Request: Email or Fax or Mail
(We recommend against sending in your voter registration or ballot request form by fax as you must also mail in the original form AND it must be received within 4 business days after the fax was sent)
Ballot Return: Fax or Mail
(Texas voters may return their ballot by fax only if the voter is active duty military or eligible family member who is in a hostile fire pay, imminent danger pay, or combat zone. All other Texas voters must return ballots by mail )
Type of Ballot Based on Voter Category

If you choose “My Return is Uncertain,” you will receive a ballot to vote in federal elections only (US President, US Senate, and US House of Representatives).
But you won't be eligible to vote in Texas state and local elections (Governor, State Legislature, School Board, etc).

"Intend to Return" means you have an intention to return in the future -- but you don't need a set date or specific plans.
If you choose “Intend to Return,” you will receive a ballot to vote in federal, state, and local elections

Election Deadlines for Texas Voters Abroad

There are currently no federal or state-wide elections scheduled for Texas.
Election Day
Ballot Request
Ballot Return

Find Your Election Office

Click on the arrow and select your local election official from the list (may be county, city, town...)

Ballot Return Information for Texas

* Downloadable PDF: "Texas Ballot Return Instructions" [ CLICK HERE ]

Here's how to print and return your ballot by mail:

  1. Open the PDF sent by your County Clerk and print your Ballot, Signature Sheet, and Templates for the FRONT and BACK of the Carrier Envelope. You can print on any size paper. You can also use "Fit to Paper" to ensure that everything fits.

  2. Set aside two envelopes: A larger envelope for the OUTER Carrier envelope and a smaller envelope for the INNER Privacy envelope.

  3. Mark your Ballot with a blue or black pen. Fold the ballot and place it in the inner Privacy Envelope (use a plain, unmarked envelope).
    Seal the envelope and set it aside. This ensures the secrecy of your vote.

  4. Fill out the Signature Sheet. This is required — otherwise your ballot won't be counted!
    You may reduce the size to print — use "FIT TO PAGE."
    Fill in your full name and OVERSEAS address.
    Fill in the same ID numbers(s) that you used on your FPCA (ballot request).
    Be sure your signature matches the signature on your FPCA.
    You DON'T need to complete the sections for an Assistant or a Witness unless you needed help filling out your form.

  5. Place both the folded Signature Sheet and the Privacy Envelope (containing your ballot) into the larger OUTER Carrier Envelope.
    Seal the outer Carrier Envelope.

  6. Cut out the two templates for the FRONT and BACK of the OUTER Carrier Envelope.
    *Each county’s instructions vary slightly but the same principle applies.
    If instructed to wrap the paper around an envelope, you can also cut the templates apart and glue or tape them as shown below.

    Tape or glue the template with your County Clerk’s address to the FRONT of the envelope.

    Cut out and tape or glue the second template on the BACK side. 
    Cover the sealed flap of the envelope. Be sure to SIGN where indicated.

    *If you do not receive a template, simply SIGN OVER THE FLAP of the sealed envelope.

  7. Affix sufficient postage to return your ballot to Texas from your country.
    Be sure your ballot is postmarked by ELECTION DAY and will be received by the following Monday, or it will not be counted.

    a. If there is enough time, you can use the diplomatic pouch at your US Embassy or Consulate (please check the return time first).
    The FRONT template provides US Postage, so you won't need to include additional postage.

    b. You can also use a private courier service (such as Fedex or DHL).
    Family members can share a private courier envelope if they have the same Texas voting address.

    If using a private courier service, complete ALL of the steps above.
    Then place the sealed Carrier Envelope (or envelopes if returning multiple ballots) into the private courier envelope as if it were a mailbox.

Additional Resources

You may need to use a VPN if you cannot connect to your state's voter information pages. Some states only allow internet connections from US locations. For more information about how to use a VPN, please click here.

Am I Registered?

Where Is My Ballot?

Track Your Ballot

Sample Ballot

State Page For Military And Overseas Voters
